沙特阿拉伯标准化组织 - SASOThe Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization
The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) was established pursuant to the Royal Decree No. M/10 Dated 1392-03-03 as a body of judicial personality and of an independent budget. Aboard of directors, headed by H.E.the Minister of Commerce and comprising representatives of the major sectors concerned this standardization in the Kingdom outlines the general policy of SASO.
The said Board of Directors is governing SASO affairs, laying down its policy and adopting all the procedures needed to ensure efficient performance of SASO assignments.
SASO Director General is responsible for implementing and following the Board of Directors’ decisions, ensuring the proper progress of work in SASO and supervising all its technical and administrative departments as well as her two Branch Offices in the Eastern and western regions.
The Saudi Standards, Quality and Metrology Organization (SASO) being the sole standardization body in the Kingdom, is entrusted with all activities related to standards and measurements which include:
1. Formulation and approval of national standards for all commodities and products as well as standards concerned with metrology, calibration, marking and identification of commodities and products, methods of sampling, inspection and testing, in addition to other assignments resolved by SASO Board of Directors.
2. Publishing Saudi standards by the most proper means.
3. Promoting standardization awareness by publicity and other means and coordinating all activities relating to standards and measurements in the Kingdom.
4. Participating in Arab, Regional and International Organizations.